Selected Projects


CyFuzz is a research project at the Software Engineering Research Center Lab. This prototype tool automatically generates random, but valid Matlab/Simulink models to fuzz-test Simulink, the popular toolchain. Check out the homepage for latest results and source code.
Technologies Used: CyFuzz is built using Python and Matlab and harnesses Csmith

Smart Message

I led development of this product at ZS Solutions (also known as Appdragon at U.K.) where I worked for one year and seven months as Senior Software Engineer.
Technologies Used: Python, Tornado (asynchronus web server), Celery (distributed task queue), SQLAlchemy (ORM for MySQL) and other Python-based tools.

VoIP Apps at REVE Systems

At my stay at REVE Systems, I have been involved in various projects:
  • iTel Billing: Powerful and flexible VoIP billing software. I developed and tested various modules for this web application and performed security audit of the entire web app.
  • iTel Switch Plus: I developed several server applications improving concurrency and writing new modules. These includes: efficiently transfering balance data between server and end device, secured backup and transfer of data between servers, voice mail feature for the soft switch, bill and alarm generation applications etc.

Technologies Used: Java EE/Java SE/, JavaScript, Oracle (DBMS), MySQL (DBMS)